Working together, so others may live.
Elkhorn Search & Rescue (ESAR) is a volunteer non-profit organization serving Jefferson County, Montana. ESAR operates under the direction of the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office (JCSO) in Boulder, Montana. ESAR's base of operations is located in Clancy, Montana. Our all-volunteer team is capable of responding to emergencies to locate, assess, stabilize and transport lost or injured persons in remote environments through various resources and skills. We provide assistance during natural disasters such as forest fires as directed by the Jefferson County Sheriff. ESAR also provides mutual aid to surrounding counties when requested.

Donations may also be made via check to ESAR, P. O. Box 342, Clancy, MT, 59634
Donations may also be made via check to ESAR, P. O. Box 342, Clancy, MT, 59634